And so it grows...

I'm married to the Farmer. We just found out we're expecting a little one...this is the story of Me and The Farmer.

Saturday, February 10, 2007

week 22

So I didn't post for months because my pregnancy brain forgot my password and how to log into this account once it forced me to merge to some Google account.

All better now. whew.

So lots of updates in Waylon land:

he's a BOY! we found out on Jan 3 and have been blown away ever since with name decisions (no we don't know and won't for a while and oh won't tell anyone anyway)

momma is getting fat! I feel great and finally look beyond puffy and just look pregnant. it's a pretty crazy feeling at first ,but as of now, i just feel damn cute most of the time.

he's kicking and moving and swimming and it's a crazy feeling. very exciting stuff. it's all becoming very real.

in other news, we've done zero as far as thinking about getting a room ready for the baby, or finding daycare, etc. Oh well, there's somewhere around 18 more weeks for that stuff. I'm sure I'll get it all done in the 11th hour, classic ME style.


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