And so it grows...

I'm married to the Farmer. We just found out we're expecting a little one...this is the story of Me and The Farmer.

Saturday, February 10, 2007

week 22

So I didn't post for months because my pregnancy brain forgot my password and how to log into this account once it forced me to merge to some Google account.

All better now. whew.

So lots of updates in Waylon land:

he's a BOY! we found out on Jan 3 and have been blown away ever since with name decisions (no we don't know and won't for a while and oh won't tell anyone anyway)

momma is getting fat! I feel great and finally look beyond puffy and just look pregnant. it's a pretty crazy feeling at first ,but as of now, i just feel damn cute most of the time.

he's kicking and moving and swimming and it's a crazy feeling. very exciting stuff. it's all becoming very real.

in other news, we've done zero as far as thinking about getting a room ready for the baby, or finding daycare, etc. Oh well, there's somewhere around 18 more weeks for that stuff. I'm sure I'll get it all done in the 11th hour, classic ME style.

Monday, December 18, 2006

week 14

Well, its week 14...almost 15 and we're chugging right along. thinking about christmas, thinking about not fitting into any of our pants! So we've bought some walmart jeans 2 sizes too big and with a bella band, they fit awesome. i'm loving wearing stretchy pants all the time. but i'm in a weird in between phase where I"m convinced I don't look pregnant, but just chunky. OH well. its time to bust out the maternity clothes and just stuff my shirt or something.

I finally was curious and measured my waist to see what was really going on. I'm gained 2 inches in my waist, and in my chest. wow! my girls better slow down in growth, they are already a bit overwhelming.

I've got a sudden hobby of reading all about childbirth. I've got a sudden desire to find out all my options and I keep leaning towards the most natural ones, and of course, people have already tried talking me out of that. I know I have options to not have an epidural or to have a home birth, and options always tend to paralyze me. like when i had my BA in liberal arts and could do "ANYTHING" i wanted....i froze. too many options. someone told me they think my fear of c-section is unnatural and i should talk to someone. another friend told me..."being pregnant for 40 weeks is your badge of courage...just take the epidural. what do you need to prove?"

and honestly, I don't have anything to prove. I don't worry about that. I worry about being free to walk around, move, cry, curl up, lie down, squat and get the baby out the way i want to. I've been in pain before and I know i haven't been in this kind of pain. I know that. But I have been in pain before, and I'm pretty tough. Frighteningly tough sometimes. But I have to deal with things my way. And I know I won't have much control and that's the part that's worrying me the most.

so i changed doctors because i wanted one who seemed more interested in helping me. the new practice is very close to my office and very mom-focused. everyone there was ecstatic about my pregnancy and so excited to help me and meet me. I think its the right next step. Next week I'll talk to the new doctor about my childbirth thoughts.

I wish Austin would let midwives practice in hospitals, because honestly that's what i want to do. I want a birthing center experience, but with doctors around to help get my baby and its GIANT head out of me if needed.

that's not too much to ask is it?

and we decided to peek at the gender in 3-4 weeks...stay tuned!

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Monday, December 04, 2006

week 13 update

It's week 13, and I find that relieving. I also find it relieving that the weather has turned cold because my body temperature has turned up most of the time. Parts of my body just get hot randomly. My stomach has also become an unpredictable mosh pit. Sometimes its calm and steady, sometimes it's just killing me,and beating me up. Right now is the latter.

I have been really exhausted, like all the books say, butI have been totally unable to still my mind or sleep. Here goes another try.

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

week 12!

So I officially hit week 12! Hooray! I feel good overall, except for a minor bit of moodiness, exhaustion and weird hot flashes in my feet and legs sometimes.

We've started to spread the news at work. It's funny...I'm so early on in my mind that I feel almost embarassed when people congratulate me. I just feel a little bit like I'm not "really very pregnant yet". This is an odd feeling, considering, um, you either are...or aren't.

So here we are. Week 12. The book says I should be able to feel my uterus expanding if I feel my stomach. I truly only feel my extra padding and a little bit of bloating which I attribute to eating too much cheese.

Hmm. My new favorite foods are egg white omelets and toast with butter. this has been my dinner the past 2 nights. I have essentially stopped feeding my husband. I also think I would die today if I ate rice pudding or steak. How on earth did I have that week of rice pudding and steak? Blerg.

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

11 weeks and a-ok

went to doc. life is good. waylon is growing growing! heart's beating great, but we couldn't hear it because my uterus is too far back or something. I go back in 4 weeks for next visit. All is well! Time to make the stuffing!

Happy Thanksgiving!

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

time for another doctor appt

I go back for my second appointment tomorrow. I'll be 11 weeks along, almost 12, I think. I'm very ready for first tri to be over so I can run shouting through the hills: "I'm having a baby!"

ok, maybe not through any hills, but i'm tired of being all secret girl.

and also, my pants dont' feel like buttoning.